On October 16, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) posted a call for proposals for the Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) Research and Development Initiative (RDI). White papers are due by December 8.
The Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) Research and Development Initiative (RDI) seeks revolutionary or innovative R&D focusing on the next generation of capabilities and platforms to advance the MASINT enterprise. Competitive submissions will develop new MASINT capabilities currently not resident in legacy systems, will significantly improve existing MASINT capabilities, and/or will apply techniques developed for commercial or non-intelligence applications to current intelligence gaps in an ingenious manner (i.e., innovation).
The MASINT RDI is a joint effort between the National MASINT Committee (MASCOM) and the National MASINT Office (NMO). The purposes of the MASINT RDI include:
- Developing innovative concepts into pathfinder MASINT capabilities to meet critical intelligence needs through focused R&D investments
- Broadening the sources of MASINT R&D innovation by engaging and partnering with academia, industry, and government
- Investing in technologies that will speed transformation of the MASINT architecture from platform-centric to mission-centric
This CALL begins the process of identifying and prioritizing potential R&D efforts for execution. The MASINT RDI project selection process involves two rounds of evaluation. In Round One, we request white papers proposing innovative R&D to advance the MASINT topic areas detailed below – with a goal of receiving new concepts and participation from new sources of innovation. A multi-agency/multi-Service working group of MASINT technical experts will evaluate the white papers.
Full information is available here.
Source: SAM