On June 24, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) posted a sources sought notice for INDOPACOM C4ISR architecture and IT support. Responses are due by 12:00 p.m. Eastern on July 7.
To execute the strategy and remain a combat credible force, USINDOPACOM JFC (J2) needs a robust and resilient intelligence architecture. Achieving this goal will assure delivery of finished intelligence products and raw data between Theater and National Intelligence Centers, and deployed intelligence customers and producers throughout the USINDOPACOM AOR. The contractor will also define the Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) Enterprise Architecture required supporting the USINDOPACOM Campaign Plans and Family of Plans.
The contractor will identify gaps and shortfalls in Strategic-Theater-Tactical C4ISR processes, systems, communication infrastructure; and recommend solutions or mitigation strategy for current and future requirements within the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF). USINDOPACOM Enterprise Architecture consists of Strategic, Theater, and Tactical Intelligence organizations, which include Combat Support Agency’s (CSA), Supporting CCMD, Service Components, associated Sub-Unified Commands, INDOPACOM JIOC, and in-theater Intelligence Community (IC) representatives, allies, and partners.
This contract will provide contractor support personnel capable of planning, documenting, building, and then operationalizing a Joint Warfighting Intelligence Communication Architecture (WICA). This architecture will be resilient and must meet the missions of INDOPACOM, JIOC, and INDOPACOM Service Components. This effort will address the Joint Force Commander (JFC) Intelligence Director’s (J2’s) task in Joint Publication 2.0 (JP2.0) to “establish the JFC joint intelligence architecture” required to support the JFC mission during levels of conflict.
Check out the full sources sought notice.
Source: SAM