Defense Information Systems Agency awards global networking contract to Verizon

Verizon has been awarded a spot on the Defense Information Systems Agency’s Global Network Services, or GNS, contract, the New York, NY-based company announced February 11. The indefinite delivery-indefinite quantity agreement has a ceiling of $4.3 billion with a five-year base term and five one-year options.
The GNS contract will be used by the Department of Defense to deploy a highly secure and reliable global network by 2020. The new unified network will integrate fiber, wireless and satellite technologies to transmit mission-critical voice, video and data communications at speeds up to 100 gigabit per second to meet operational and warfighting requirements for the transmission of classified and non-classified information. More than one million Department of Defense and national security personnel will be supported by the integrated network.
Under the contract, Verizon will compete for individual task orders as they are released by the Defense Information Services Agency. The GNS contract will primarily support the requirements of the Department of Defense’s more than 40 military services, combatant commands, and intelligence, functional and support organizations outside the continental U.S.
Verizon operates one of the world’s most advanced and far-reaching IP-based networks on the globe. The state-of-the-art fiber optic network operates at speeds up to 100 gigabit-per-second and reaches more than 2,700 cities in over 150 countries. Verizon was one of the industry’s first companies to deploy global mesh technology to boost network redundancy and reduce latency, providing network diversity for mission-critical traffic.
Verizon played an integral role in the design and engineering of the Trans-Pacific Express optical cable network that directly links the U.S. to China, South Korea, Taiwan and Japan. In addition, the company is the only U.S. consortium member of the South East Asia-Middle East-Western Europe 4, or SEA-ME-WE-4, undersea cable network system that reaches 14 countries. Overall, Verizon has investments in 80 submarine cable systems.
Source: Verizon