CIA establishes Korea mission center

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has established a Korea mission center to harness the full resources, capabilities, and authorities of the agency in addressing the nuclear and ballistic missile threat posed by North Korea, CIA announced May 10.
The new mission center draws on experienced officers from across the agency and integrates them in one entity to bring their expertise and creativity to bear against the North Korea target.
A veteran CIA operations officer has been selected as the new assistant director for Korea and presides over the mission center. The new mission center will work closely with the Intelligence Community and the entire U.S. national security community.
“Creating the Korea mission center allows us to more purposefully integrate and direct CIA efforts against the serious threats to the United States and its allies emanating from North Korea,” said CIA Director Mike Pompeo. “It also reflects the dynamism and agility that CIA brings to evolving national security challenges.”
Source: CIA