CIA Director Brennan issues statement on selection of new Associate Director for Military Affairs

On January 7, CIA Director John Brennan released the following statement to employees:
We are very fortunate to have Lieutenant General John Mulholland Jr. as our new Associate Director for Military Affairs. John previously served as Deputy Commander of the United States Special Operations Command, a post for which he was exceptionally well-qualified by virtue of a distinguished career in the US Army’s Special Forces. He commanded special operations task forces in both Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom, earning an appointment as Deputy Commanding General of the Joint Special Operations Command and later as Commanding General, US Army Special Operations Command at Ft. Bragg.
John’s long and outstanding record of service in special operations has given him a deep understanding of the conduct and value of intelligence, and many of our officers know him as a close partner and good friend. I look forward to working with John and benefitting from his insights as we confront the wide array of complex global challenges facing our Agency.
Please join me in welcoming General Mulholland to CIA and wishing him well in his new post.