RedSeal Networks, the company active in network infrastructure security management, announced on Feb. 13 that Ray Rothrock, chairman of its…
The Secretary of Interior, Sally Jewell, has renewed the charter of the National Geospatial Advisory Committee, which provides advice and…
Francis X. Taylor, a retired USAF brigadier general, former assistant secretary of state for diplomatic security and the current chief…
Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX), a longtime physician, on Feb. 11 introduced legislation, H.R. 4036, which would prohibit the Central Intelligence…
ManTech International Corp. has promoted Bonnie Cook to executive vice president of business operations for its Mission Solutions & Services…
Raytheon Company’s Space and Airborne Systems business has announced the combination of several of its electronic warfare (EW) programs into a…
A new television program on the CBS network, Intelligence, uses U.S. Cyber Command as its inspiration. Focused on a former…
The U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) invites interested individuals to attend the fifth annual IC Virtual Career Fair — a free…
The Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency (AFISR), which trains and maintains each year about 6,000 military and civilian…
The CIA Memorial Wall honors those officers who made the ultimate sacrifice and gave their lives in service to their…