CACI awarded $173M task order to support US Army’s night vision lab

CACI International Inc of Arlington, VA announced on September 14 that it was awarded a task order, with a ceiling value of $173 million, to perform modeling and simulation systems development of sensor and imaging systems for the U.S. Army’s Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate (NVESD). This three-year task order, awarded under the Rapid Response – Third Generation (R23G) contract vehicle, represents continuing business in its Surveillance and Reconnaissance market area.
NVESD, known as the “Night Vision Lab” and located at Fort Belvoir, Va., conducts research and development of advanced night vision and other sensor technologies, such as infrared weapon sights and surveillance systems, that enhance the effectiveness of the U.S. Armed Forces in nighttime and limited visibility conditions. Under this contract, CACI will provide modeling and simulation development services to assist NVESD in evaluating sensor system technologies and concepts to determine their effectiveness and to enhance the military’s sensor system training. CACI will assist in developing and deploying technology enhancements that increase the Armed Forces’ reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition capabilities to keep pace with emerging threats and support overseas operations.
CACI Chief Operating Officer John Mengucci said, “CACI has a long history of supporting the Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate with innovative technical, management, and engineering solutions. We couple this experience with specialized modeling and simulation expertise that assures the Directorate of the rapid and effective development of sensor system technologies and training.”
Ken Asbury, CACI’s president and chief executive officer, said, “CACI is proud to continue our partnership supporting the Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate’s mission of delivering vital reconnaissance and surveillance capabilities to our military men and women. As asymmetric warfare remains a reality around the globe, we are more dedicated than ever to advancing solutions and technologies that give our Armed Forces an operational advantage under any and all conditions.”
Source: CACI