On August 22, Reston, VA-based CACI International Inc announced a new, multi-year Strategic Collaboration Agreement (SCA) with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to further advance the company’s application of AWS services as a trusted provider of secure, agile, innovative solutions that can be rapidly adopted by enterprise and mission customers in the U.S. government.
“We are strengthening our relationship with AWS to enhance and accelerate our customers’ cloud adoption,” said CACI Chief Technology Officer Glenn Kurowski. “This unique agreement offers our public sector customers more opportunities to take greater advantage of the benefits of cloud-based innovation by rapidly delivering migration at scale, expanding edge utilization, and enabling analytic outcomes.”
CACI is a leading provider of software development, cloud-native development, and migration. CACI will build on its successful Agile-at-scale delivery execution model—known as the Agile Solution Factory (ASF)—by applying a similar approach to enhance and scale cloud adoption through this SCA. Much like ASF enables faster capability delivery through increased productivity and lower cost by implementing efficiencies and automation, the SCA fuels a similar approach to cloud adoption.
“AWS and CACI are working to provide public sector organizations the secure, cost-efficient, and effective technology solutions that will support their mission needs well into the future,” said David Levy, vice president of U.S. federal, worldwide public sector, AWS. “We are committed to helping CACI accelerate its delivery of enduring mission and enterprise workloads, data analytics, and at-the-edge technology.”
Source: CACI