On April 30, McLean, VA-based Booz Allen Hamilton announced the launch of aiSSEMBLE Baseline, a first-of-its-kind, open-source iteration of Booz Allen’s aiSSEMBLE solution built to dramatically simplify the engineering and deployment of AI systems. The aiSSEMBLE solution represents a pioneering leap in the field of AI, according to the company, leveraging a lean manufacturing-inspired approach to accelerate impactful delivery of AI at enterprise scale—reducing pilot purgatory, expanding the field of AI to clients via an open architecture, and ensuring repeatability for future AI solutions.
Booz Allen is now offering aiSSEMBLE Baseline, which encompasses foundational code and open-source documentation, free to use for government, academic, nonprofit, and commercial entities.
“With increasingly advanced global threats and a shifting geopolitical landscape, both the public and private sectors are in need of new technological advantage to outpace risks,” said John Larson, Booz Allen executive vice president and leader of the firm’s AI practice. “Through innovations such as aiSSEMBLE, Booz Allen is laying the groundwork for repeatable, scalable, secure, and explainable AI solutions for our clients’ most pressing missions. And, in making aiSSEMBLE open source, we are empowering people to change the world via their own collective ingenuity.”
Open AI to all, with new ability for vendors to plug into Booz Allen’s AI delivery approach, including the company’s robust and growing portfolio of Booz Allen Ventures’ strategic partners. This ensures efficiency and repeatability and employs reusable software components to accelerate and standardize the way AI solutions are built, enabling clients to realize Day-One mission impact.
A core tool for clients across sectors Booz Allen will leverage aiSSEMBLE in support of a recently awarded Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to explore the feasibility and capability of emerging technologies focusing on data processing and dissemination of weather data. aiSSEMBLE offers a key part of the technical solution, providing the AIOps framework and automated data pipelines to ingest NOAA data, process simultaneous AI/machine learning (ML) algorithms at scale, and implement a foundation for modernized, efficient research to operations workflows. NOAA’s selection of aiSSEMBLE for evaluation through the BAA is not a commitment to a future NOAA mission.
“aiSSEMBLE enables seamless integration of open-source, government-off-the-shelf, and commercial off-the-shelf components to streamline the design, development, and deployment process of AI—saving our clients in the federal space, and therefore taxpayers, money and time,” said Jessica Reinhardt, Booz Allen’s director of AI investments. “It also allows Booz Allen to rapidly develop fit-for-purpose solutions that meet our clients’ diverse mission needs while starting from a common software baseline that enhances solution quality and consistency while reducing delivery risk.”
Source: Booz Allen
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