Boeing geomobile satellite joining Mexico’s advanced Mexsat system

A Boeing 702HP (high power) satellite launched on October 2 will soon be part of the world’s most capable and advanced mobile satellite system, reports Chicago, IL-based Boeing. The satellite, named Morelos-3, is transmitting initial on-orbit signals as it makes its way to its final orbital location within Mexico’s new Mexsat system.
The Ministry of Communications and Transportation commissioned Mexsat – a state-of-the-art satellite-based mobile telecommunications system. Mexsat increases communications capabilities for national security, civil, and humanitarian efforts, providing 3G+ voice and data services to mobile terminals across Mexico and its surrounding waters. The satellite will be operated by Telecomunicaciones de Mexico (Telecomm) on behalf of the Mexican government from two highly developed satellite control centers in Mexico.
“This latest milestone represents Boeing’s fourth generation of satellites for Mexico and underscores how our satellites’ capabilities improve daily and emergency communications,” said Mark Spiwak, president, Boeing Satellite Systems International.
Boeing is responsible for the design, development and delivery of this integrated system, comprised of a fixed service satellite and two Boeing geomobile satellites, two ground stations in Mexico for network and satellite control, and prototype user terminals. The first Boeing-built satellite for the Mexsat system launched in May 2015, but was lost due to a launch vehicle failure.
Source: Boeing