Barracuda, ReversingLabs, Telefonica and Zscaler join Cyber Threat Alliance as contributing members

Fortinet, McAfee Labs, Palo Alto Networks® and Symantec, co-founders of the industry’s first cyber threat alliance, announced on February 13 that Barracuda Networks, Inc., ReversingLabs, Telefónica, and Zscaler have joined the Cyber Threat Alliance in its efforts to make united progress in the fight against sophisticated cyber adversaries.
The mission of the Cyber Threat Alliance is to drive a coordinated industry effort against cyber adversaries through deep collaboration on threat intelligence and sharing indicators of compromise.
While past industry efforts have often been limited to the exchange of malware samples, the Cyber Threat Alliance provides more actionable threat intelligence from contributing members, including information on zero-day vulnerabilities, botnet command and control (C&C) server information, mobile threats, and indicators of compromise (IoCs) related to advanced persistent threats (APTs), as well as the commonly-shared malware samples. By raising the industry’s collective actionable intelligence, alliance participants will be able to deliver greater security for individual customers and organizations.
“We appreciate the charter of the Cyber Threat Alliance and believe there should be closer collaboration across security researchers, industry, education, and government. We look forward to sharing critical data across threat vectors that can be leveraged not only for delivering Total Threat Protection for our customers but also toward benefiting the community as a whole,” said Stephen Pao, Barracuda’s security GM.
“Today’s security threats are more insidious and difficult to thwart than ever and they are outpacing the ability of organizations to protect themselves. The exchange of actionable threat intelligence fostered by the Cyber Threat Alliance is a critical step toward a new level of industry collaboration that will result in greater security for vendors and clients alike,” said Zcaler vice president for security research Michael Sutton.
SOURCE Palo Alto Networks