On August 7, the U.S. Army posted a request for information on behalf of the Program Executive Office Intelligence, Electronic Warfare & Sensors (PEO IEW&S). Responses are due by 4:00 p.m. Central on August 23.
PEO IEW&S is conducting market research to identify nontraditional defense contractors, nonprofit research institutions, small businesses, and/or traditional defense contractors that develop Surveillance, Reconnaissance, System of Systems (SoS) Command and Control (C2), and/or Cross Domain Solution (CDS) capabilities that meet criteria to collect input from industry, assess the technologies, and potentially utilize this research to shape future requirements.
PEO IEW&S is made up of a team of multiple project managers dedicated to designing, delivering, and sustaining advanced technologies to give Soldiers the decisive edge. The PEO for IEW&S leads a team of Soldiers, DoD Civilians, and Contractors in fielding systems that cover a gamut of military needs.
Source: SAM
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