AWS Marketplace adds federal addendum

On March 10, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the launch of the Federal Addendum to the Standard Contract for AWS Marketplace (SCMP). This novel approach to contracting can help streamline government approvals of software procurement and speed up the government’s access to third-party software solutions using AWS Marketplace by offering a pre-negotiated and consistent end-user license agreement (EULA) for each purchase.

In 2019, AWS Marketplace worked with legal, procurement, and sales leaders from our buyer and seller communities to develop the SCMP, a pre-negotiated agreement designed to capture common ground between buyers and sellers. The SCMP has helped accelerate contract approvals by up to 80 percent.

Negotiating EULAs for individual independent software vendors (ISVs) is time-consuming and burdensome—especially for US federal government customers who have limited approval authorities such as contracting officers that are authorized to approve EULAs. To overcome this potential bureaucratic slowdown and speed up the delivery of cutting-edge technology solutions to federal government customers using AWS Marketplace, you can now use the Federal Addendum to SCMP.

The Federal Addendum is a previously negotiated contract that was developed in collaboration with the customer and seller communities to accelerate transactions. It’s available for all AWS Marketplace sellers to adopt for their private offers to federal government customers, including in the AWS Marketplace for the U.S. Intelligence Community. It addresses common federal government requirements for commercial supplier agreements, such as removing unenforceable clauses.

Source: AWS

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